
















类似群 商品编码 商品/服务项目 EN - Goods and Services NCL(11-2021)
1401 140003 贵金属锭 ingots of precious metals
1401 140045 iridium
1401 140046 “国外特有小类” ivory jewellery
1401 140046 “国外特有小类” ivory jewelry
1401 140055 未加工或半加工贵金属 precious metals, unwrought or semi-wrought
1401 140063 未加工的金或金箔 gold, unwrought or beaten
1401 140066 osmium
1401 140067 palladium
1401 140075 铂(金属) platinum [metal]
1401 140083 rhodium
1401 140085 ruthenium
1401 140104 贵金属合金 alloys of precious metal
1401 140163 未加工、未打造的银 silver, unwrought or beaten
1402 140113 贵金属制盒 boxes of precious metal
1402 140166 首饰盒 jewellery boxes
1402 140166 首饰盒 jewelry boxes
1402 140170 首饰包 jewellery rolls
1402 140170 首饰包 jewelry rolls
1402 140173 首饰用礼品盒 presentation boxes for jewellery
1402 140173 首饰用礼品盒 presentation boxes for jewelry
1403 140001 玛瑙 agates
1403 140004 黄琥珀首饰 jewellery of yellow amber
1403 140004 黄琥珀首饰 jewelry of yellow amber
1403 140005 人造琥珀制珍珠(压制的琥珀) pearls made of ambroid [pressed amber]
1403 140006 护身符(首饰) amulets [jewellery]
1403 140006 护身符(首饰) amulets [jewelry]
1403 140008 细银丝(银线) spun silver [silver wire]
1403 140009 银线(首饰) silver thread [jewellery]
1403 140009 银线(首饰) silver thread [jewelry]
1403 140015 手镯(首饰) bracelets [jewellery]
1403 140015 手镯(首饰) bracelets [jewelry]
1403 140018 首饰用小饰物 jewellery charms
1403 140018 首饰用小饰物 charms for jewellery
1403 140018 首饰用小饰物 charms for jewelry
1403 140018 首饰用小饰物 jewelry charms
1403 140019 胸针(首饰) brooches [jewellery]
1403 140019 胸针(首饰) brooches [jewelry]
1403 140024 链(首饰) chains [jewellery]
1403 140024 链(首饰) chains [jewelry]
1403 140031 项链(首饰) necklaces [jewellery]
1403 140031 项链(首饰) necklaces [jewelry]
1403 140033 领带夹 tie clips
1403 140034 硬币 coins
1403 140035 金刚石 diamonds
1403 140040 贵金属制丝线(首饰) threads of precious metal [jewellery]
1403 140040 贵金属制丝线(首饰) threads of precious metal [jewelry]
1403 140040 贵金属制丝线(首饰) wire of precious metal [jewellery]
1403 140040 贵金属制丝线(首饰) wire of precious metal [jewelry]
1403 140047 墨玉饰品 ornaments of jet
1403 140048 未加工或半加工墨玉 jet, unwrought or semi-wrought
1403 140049 铜制代币 copper tokens
1403 140050 珠宝首饰 jewellery
1403 140050 珠宝首饰 jewelry
1403 140051 盒式项链坠 lockets [jewellery]
1403 140051 盒式项链坠 lockets [jewelry]
1403 140052 奖章 medals
1403 140062 贵橄榄石 olivine [gems]
1403 140062 橄榄石(宝石) peridot
1403 140064 金线(首饰) gold thread [jewellery]
1403 140064 金线(首饰) gold thread [jewelry]
1403 140069 饰针(首饰) ornamental pins
1403 140070 珍珠(珠宝) pearls [jewellery]
1403 140070 珍珠(珠宝) pearls [jewelry]
1403 140073 半宝石 semi-precious stones
1403 140074 宝石 precious stones
1403 140095 尖晶石(宝石) spinel [precious stones]
1403 140096 贵金属制塑像 statues of precious metal
1403 140097 人造珠宝 paste jewellery
1403 140097 人造珠宝 paste jewelry [costume jewelry]
1403 140107 戒指(首饰) rings [jewellery]
1403 140107 戒指(首饰) rings [jewelry]
1403 140109 贵金属制艺术品 works of art of precious metal
1403 140117 帽子用首饰 hat jewellery
1403 140117 帽子用首饰 hat jewelry
1403 140118 耳环 earrings
1403 140119 鞋用首饰 shoe jewellery
1403 140119 鞋用首饰 shoe jewelry
1403 140122 衬衫袖扣 cuff links
1403 140123 贵金属制半身像 busts of precious metal
1403 140146 贵金属制小雕像 figurines of precious metal
1403 140146 贵金属制小塑像 statuettes of precious metal
1403 140150 别针(首饰) pins [jewellery]
1403 140150 别针(首饰) pins [jewelry]
1403 140151 领带饰针 tie pins
1403 140152 贵金属制徽章 badges of precious metal
1403 140162 钥匙圈(带小饰物或短链饰物的扣环) key rings [split rings with trinket or decorative fob]
1403 140162 钥匙链(带小饰物或短链饰物的扣环) key chains [split rings with trinket or decorative fob]
1403 140165 景泰蓝首饰 cloisonné jewellery
1403 140165 景泰蓝首饰 cloisonné jewelry
1403 140167 制首饰用珠子 beads for making jewellery
1403 140167 制首饰用珠子 beads for making jewelry
1403 140168 首饰用扣钩 clasps for jewellery
1403 140168 首饰用扣钩 clasps for jewelry
1403 140169 首饰配件 jewellery findings
1403 140169 首饰配件 jewelry findings
1403 140171 弧面宝石 cabochons
1403 140172 贵金属制钥匙圈 split rings of precious metal for keys
1403 140175 赞珠 misbaha [prayer beads]
1403 140176 绣花纺织品制手镯(首饰) bracelets made of embroidered textile [jewellery]
1403 140176 绣花纺织品制手镯(首饰) bracelets made of embroidered textile [jewelry]
1403 140177 钥匙圈用小饰物 charms for key rings
1403 140177 钥匙链用小饰物 charms for key chains
1403 140178 念珠 rosaries
1403 140178 念珠 chaplets
1403 140179 贵金属制耶稣受难雕像(非首饰) crucifixes of precious metal, other than jewellery
1403 140179 “国外特有小类” crucifixes of precious metal, other than jewelry
1403 140180 耶稣受难雕像(首饰) crucifixes as jewellery
1403 140180 耶稣受难雕像(首饰) crucifixes as jewelry
1403 140181 伸缩式钥匙圈 retractable key rings
1403 140181 伸缩式钥匙链 retractable key chains
1403 140182 帽子用装饰针 jewellery hat pins
1403 140182 帽子用装饰针 jewelry hatpins
1404 140002 钟针 clock hands
1404 140011 clocks
1404 140013 摆(钟表制造) pendulums [clock- and watchmaking]
1404 140014 发条匣(钟表制造) barrels [clock- and watchmaking]
1404 140016 手表 wristwatches
1404 140017 表带 watch bands
1404 140017 手表带 straps for wristwatches
1404 140017 手表带 watch straps
1404 140021 钟表盘(钟表制造) dials [clock- and watchmaking]
1404 140022 日晷 sundials
1404 140023 钟表发条装置 clockworks
1404 140025 表链 watch chains
1404 140027 计时器(手表) chronographs [watches]
1404 140028 精密计时器 chronometers
1404 140029 瞬时计 chronoscopes
1404 140030 计时仪器 chronometric instruments
1404 140032 电子钟表 clocks and watches, electric
1404 140042 原子钟 atomic clocks
1404 140043 主时钟 control clocks [master clocks]
1404 140043 主时钟 master clocks
1404 140044 钟外壳 clock cases
1404 140057 watches
1404 140058 表发条 watch springs
1404 140059 表玻璃 watch glasses
1404 140059 表蒙 watch crystals
1404 140060 钟表机芯 movements for clocks and watches
1404 140082 闹钟 alarm clocks
1404 140106 簧片(钟表制造) anchors [clock- and watchmaking]
1404 140144 表壳 watch cases [parts of watches]
1404 140145 表用礼品盒 presentation boxes for watches
1404 140164 秒表 stopwatches
1404 140174 表针 watch hands


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