













类似群 商品编码 商品/服务项目 EN - Goods and Services NCL(11-2021)
1901 190015 木衬条 furrings of wood
1901 190026 半成品木材 wood, semi-worked
1901 190027 木材 building timber
1901 190027 建筑用木材 lumber
1901 190028 胶合板 plywood
1901 190029 成品木材 manufactured timber
1901 190030 制家用器具用木材 wood for making household utensils
1901 190031 已切锯木材 sawn timber
1901 190032 铺地木材 wood paving
1901 190033 贴面板 wood veneers
1901 190033 木制饰面薄板 veneers
1901 190034 胶合木板 veneer wood
1901 190035 木板条 wood panelling
1901 190106 拼花地板条 parquet floor boards
1901 190111 建筑用压缩软木 agglomerated cork for building
1901 190125 狭木板 cask wood
1901 190125 制桶用木板 stave wood
1901 190127 可塑木料 mouldable wood
1901 190127 可塑木料 moldable wood
1901 190149 建筑用厚木板 planks of wood for building
1901 190176 铁路用非金属枕木 railway sleepers, not of metal
1901 190176 铁路用非金属枕木 railroad ties, not of metal
1901 190185 小块木料(木工用) scantlings [carpentry]
1901 190186 木屑板 xylolith
1901 190201 建筑用木浆板 wood pulp board for building
1901 190248 木地板条 wooden floor boards
1902 190006 石板 slate
1902 190007 屋顶石板片 roofing slates
1902 190008 板岩粉 slate powder
1902 190010 细沙 silver sand
1902 190011 制陶器用黏土 potters' clay
1902 190023 混凝土 concrete
1902 190039 制砖用土 earth for bricks
1902 190043 石灰石 limestone
1902 190043 石灰石 calcareous stone
1902 190051 筑路或铺路材料 materials for making and coating roads
1902 190052 石灰 lime
1902 190053 建筑灰浆 mortar for building
1902 190053 砂浆 grout
1902 190059 片岩 schists
1902 190072 未加工的白垩 raw chalk
1902 190073 石英 quartz
1902 190094 石料 stone
1902 190096 黏土 clay*
1902 190098 花岗石 granite
1902 190099 沙砾 gravel
1902 190100 建筑用砂石 sandstone for building
1902 190104 炉渣(建筑材料) slag [building material]
1902 190105 铺路用道渣 clinker ballast
1902 190116 碎石 macadam
1902 190120 大理石 marble
1902 190132 建筑用橄榄石 olivine for building
1902 190141 建筑石料 building stone
1902 190142 人造石 artificial stone
1902 190143 矿渣石 slag stone
1902 190143 矿渣石 clinker stone
1902 190145 石灰华 tufa
1902 190146 石砌体 works of stonemasonry
1902 190166 砂(铸造砂除外) sand, except foundry sand
1902 190168 硅石(石英) silica [quartz]
1902 190172 赤土(建筑材料) terra-cotta [building material]
1902 190200 非金属铺路块料 paving blocks, not of metal
1902 190211 含钙泥灰土 calcareous marl
1902 190233 水族池砾石 aquarium gravel
1902 190234 水族池用沙 aquarium sand
1902 190237 块石 rubble
1902 190244 斑岩(石头) porphyry [stone]
1902 190253 水晶石 rock crystal
1903 190003 雪花石膏 alabaster
1903 190054 熟石膏 plaster*
1903 190102 石膏(建筑材料) gypsum [building material]
1904 190004 石棉水泥 asbestos cement
1904 190036 水泥 cement*
1904 190092 熔炉用水泥 cement for furnaces
1904 190093 高炉用水泥 cement for blast furnaces
1904 190118 镁氧水泥 magnesia cement
1905 190024 混凝土建筑构件 concrete building elements
1905 190057 水泥板 cement slabs
1905 190058 水泥柱 cement posts
1905 190198 混凝土用非金属模板 shuttering, not of metal, for concrete
1906 190021 屋面瓦 roofing shingles
1906 190038 bricks
1906 190126 建筑用马赛克 mosaics for building
1906 190151 非金属屋瓦 roofing tiles, not of metal
1906 190213 建筑用非金属砖瓦 tiles, not of metal, for building
1906 190214 非金属地板砖 floor tiles, not of metal
1906 190249 非金属砖地板 tile floorings, not of metal
1906 190250 非金属波形瓦 pantiles, not of metal
1906 190251 非金属墙砖 wall tiles, not of metal
1907 190005 石棉灰泥 asbestos mortar
1907 190012 耐火砖 firebricks
1907 190012 耐火砖 refractory bricks
1907 190048 耐火黏土 fireclay
1907 190048 熟耐火黏土 grog [fired refractory material]
1907 190056 防火水泥涂层 fireproof cement coatings
1907 190242 非金属耐火建筑材料 refractory construction materials, not of metal
1908 190013 柏油 asphalt
1908 190014 铺路沥青 asphalt paving
1908 190017 沥青 bitumen
1908 190018 建筑用焦油条 tarred strips for building
1908 190025 建筑用沥青制成物 bituminous products for building
1908 190037 沥青(人造沥青) pitch
1908 190046 建筑用沥青纸 bitumen paper for building
1908 190082 屋顶用沥青涂层 bituminous coatings for roofing
1908 190090 建筑用毡 felt for building
1908 190097 煤焦油沥青 coal tar
1908 190161 路面敷料 road coating materials
1908 190171 沥青(焦油沥青) tar
1909 190009 屋脊 hips for roofing
1909 190016 非金属栏杆 balustrades, not of metal
1909 190022 非金属折门 folding doors, not of metal
1909 190044 非金属檐槽 roof gutters, not of metal
1909 190045 建筑用纸板 paperboard for building
1909 190045 建筑用卡纸板 building cardboard
1909 190049 非金属制壁炉罩 fireplace mantles, not of metal
1909 190050 建筑用非金属框架 framework, not of metal, for building
1909 190055 非金属烟囱 chimneys, not of metal
1909 190060 非金属隔板 partitions, not of metal
1909 190062 建筑用纸 building paper
1909 190064 非金属檐口 cornices, not of metal
1909 190065 非金属檐板嵌条 mouldings, not of metal, for cornices
1909 190065 非金属檐板嵌条 moldings, not of metal, for cornices
1909 190066 非金属制屋顶防雨板 roof flashing, not of metal
1909 190067 非金属角铁 angle irons, not of metal
1909 190068 非金属窗 windows, not of metal
1909 190069 非金属门 doors, not of metal*
1909 190070 非金属检修孔盖 manhole covers, not of metal
1909 190071 非金属制屋顶覆盖物 roof coverings, not of metal
1909 190074 非金属楼梯踏板 stair-treads [steps], not of metal
1909 190075 非金属雨水管 gutter pipes, not of metal
1909 190076 非金属水管 water-pipes, not of metal
1909 190077 非金属、非塑料制水管阀 water-pipe valves, not of metal or plastic
1909 190078 非金属脚手架 scaffolding, not of metal
1909 190079 电线用非金属杆 posts, not of metal, for power lines
1909 190079 电线用非金属杆 poles, not of metal, for power lines
1909 190080 非金属分岔管 branching pipes, not of metal
1909 190083 非金属梁 beams, not of metal
1909 190083 非金属梁 girders, not of metal
1909 190086 非金属支架 props, not of metal
1909 190091 非金属铸模 foundry moulds, not of metal
1909 190091 非金属铸模 foundry molds, not of metal
1909 190095 建筑用玻璃板(窗) plate glass [windows] for building
1909 190101 砂石管道 sandstone pipes
1909 190103 非金属固定百叶窗 jalousies, not of metal
1909 190107 非金属、非纺织品制室外遮帘 outdoor blinds, not of metal and not of textile
1909 190109 非金属板条 laths, not of metal
1909 190112 拼花地板 parquet flooring
1909 190113 非金属楼梯基(楼梯部件) stringers [parts of staircases], not of metal
1909 190114 非金属楣 lintels, not of metal
1909 190115 发光铺路块料 luminous paving blocks
1909 190123 门廊(非金属结构) porches [structures], not of metal
1909 190128 建筑用非金属嵌条 mouldings, not of metal, for building
1909 190128 建筑用非金属嵌条 moldings, not of metal, for building
1909 190130 建筑用非金属制墙包层 wall claddings, not of metal, for building
1909 190131 建筑用非金属盖板 flashing, not of metal, for building
1909 190133 非金属百叶窗 shutters, not of metal
1909 190134 非金属围栏 palings, not of metal
1909 190134 非金属围栏 palisading, not of metal
1909 190135 非金属栅栏 fences, not of metal
1909 190136 非金属桩 pilings, not of metal
1909 190136 非金属板柱 sheet piles, not of metal
1909 190138 建筑用非金属制墙衬料 wall linings, not of metal, for building
1909 190140 (鸟的)栖木 perches
1909 190147 非金属地板 floors, not of metal
1909 190148 非金属天花板 ceilings, not of metal
1909 190150 建筑用非金属衬板 linings, not of metal, for building
1909 190153 非金属大门 gates, not of metal
1909 190154 非金属门板 door panels, not of metal
1909 190155 非金属电线杆 telegraph posts, not of metal
1909 190157 非金属搁栅 joists, not of metal
1909 190158 预制非金属台 platforms, prefabricated, not of metal
1909 190162 非金属槛 sills, not of metal
1909 190163 建筑用芦苇 reeds for building
1909 190173 非金属屋顶 roofing, not of metal
1909 190177 非金属格架 latticework, not of metal
1909 190177 非金属格架 trellises, not of metal
1909 190178 建筑用非金属硬管 rigid pipes, not of metal, for building
1909 190179 非金属竖铰链窗 casement windows, not of metal
1909 190182 彩绘玻璃窗 stained-glass windows
1909 190189 非金属护壁板 wainscotting, not of metal
1909 190191 建筑用非金属加固材料 reinforcing materials, not of metal, for building
1909 190197 非金属建筑材料 building materials, not of metal
1909 190197 非金属建筑材料 construction materials, not of metal
1909 190206 非金属柱 posts, not of metal
1909 190208 非金属窗框 window frames, not of metal
1909 190209 非金属门框 door frames, not of metal
1909 190209 非金属门框架 door casings, not of metal
1909 190210 非金属制温室骨架 greenhouse frames, not of metal
1909 190212 非金属烟囱罩 chimney cowls, not of metal
1909 190216 非金属烟囱管帽 chimney pots, not of metal
1909 190217 非金属烟囱接长部件 lengthening pieces, not of metal, for chimneys
1909 190218 非金属烟囱柱 chimney shafts, not of metal
1909 190219 非金属铺地平板 paving slabs, not of metal
1909 190220 非金属排水管 drain pipes, not of metal
1909 190221 非金属或非塑料排水阱(阀) drain traps [valves], not of metal or plastic
1909 190222 非金属楼梯 staircases, not of metal
1909 190223 建筑用非金属嵌板 building panels, not of metal
1909 190231 凝结的甘蔗渣(建筑材料) agglomerated bagasses of cane [building material]
1909 190232 非金属压力水管 penstock pipes, not of metal
1909 190235 通风和空调设备用非金属管 ducts, not of metal, for ventilating and air-conditioning installations
1909 190236 土工布 geotextiles
1909 190238 乙烯基壁板 vinyl siding
1909 190239 非金属防昆虫纱窗 insect screens, not of metal
1909 190240 光伏电池组成的非金属屋顶板 roofing, not of metal, incorporating photovoltaic cells
1909 190241 非金属垫路板 duckboards, not of metal
1909 190245 非金属制街道排水沟 street gutters, not of metal
1909 190246 非金属旋转栅门 turnstiles, not of metal
1909 190252 建筑用非金属平板 slabs, not of metal, for building
1909 190254 非金属装甲门 armoured doors, not of metal
1909 190254 非金属装甲门 armored doors, not of metal
1909 190256 建筑用非金属柱 pillars, not of metal, for building
1909 190257 建筑用非金属托架 brackets, not of metal, for building
1909 190258 建筑用非金属包层 cladding, not of metal, for building
1909 190259 塑料制景观围边 plastic landscape edgings
1909 190260 建筑物地震隔离用橡胶底座 rubber bearings for seismic isolation of buildings
1909 190261 非金属装甲板 armour-plating, not of metal
1909 190261 非金属装甲板 armor-plating, not of metal
1909 190263 非金属双开弹簧门 swing doors, not of metal
1909 190264 非金属折扇门 accordion doors, not of metal
1909 190266 非金属制吸音板 acoustic panels, not of metal
1909 190267 非金属制园艺罩骨架 horticultural frames, not of metal
1909 190267 非金属制园艺罩骨架 cold frames, not of metal
1910 190001 非金属广告栏 advertisement columns, not of metal
1910 190019 棚屋 huts
1910 190020 集市棚屋 fair huts
1910 190041 非金属电话间 telephone booths, not of metal
1910 190041 非金属电话亭 telephone boxes, not of metal
1910 190042 水下建筑工程用沉箱 caissons for construction work under water
1910 190061 非金属建筑物 buildings, not of metal
1910 190084 非金属猪圈 pigsties, not of metal
1910 190085 非金属牲畜棚 stables, not of metal
1910 190108 非金属火箭发射台 rocket launching platforms, not of metal
1910 190119 可移动的非金属建筑物 buildings, transportable, not of metal
1910 190122 合成材料制成的路标板和路标条 road marking sheets and strips of synthetic material
1910 190124 非金属桅杆 masts [poles], not of metal
1910 190137 不发光、非机械的非金属信号板 signalling panels, non-luminous and non-mechanical, not of metal
1910 190139 溜冰场(非金属结构) skating rinks [structures], not of metal
1910 190152 非金属跳水板 diving boards, not of metal
1910 190156 非金属鸡房 chicken-houses, not of metal
1910 190160 (贮液或贮气用)砖石容器 tanks of masonry
1910 190164 不发光、非机械的非金属路牌 road signs, non-luminous and non-mechanical, not of metal
1910 190165 不发光、非机械的非金属标志 non-luminous and non-mechanical signs, not of metal
1910 190167 可移动的非金属温室 greenhouses, transportable, not of metal
1910 190169 非金属筒仓 silos, not of metal
1910 190175 凉亭(非金属结构) arbours [structures], not of metal
1910 190184 鸟舍(非金属结构) aviaries [structures], not of metal
1910 190187 非金属下锚柱 mooring bollards, not of metal
1910 190188 船只停泊用非金属浮动船坞 floating docks, not of metal, for mooring boats
1910 190190 水族池(建筑物) aquaria [structures]
1910 190194 鸟食台(非金属结构) bird baths [structures], not of metal
1910 190195 不发光非金属信号台 beacons, not of metal, non-luminous
1910 190196 游泳池(非金属结构) swimming pools [structures], not of metal
1910 190199 非金属制自行车停放架 bicycle parking installations, not of metal
1910 190203 非金属简易小浴室 cabanas, not of metal
1910 190205 喷漆用非金属间 paint spraying booths, not of metal
1910 190227 公路防撞用非金属护栏 crash barriers, not of metal, for roads
1910 190228 砖石信箱 letter boxes of masonry
1910 190243 非金属预制房(成套组件) prefabricated houses [kits], not of metal
1910 190262 非金属旗杆(建筑物) flagpoles [structures], not of metal
1910 190265 非金属制移动式隔音亭 soundproof booths, transportable, not of metal
1911 190002 磨砂玻璃 alabaster glass
1911 190063 建筑用玻璃 building glass
1911 190121 路标用玻璃颗粒 glass granules for road marking
1911 190121 路标用玻璃颗粒 glass granules for marking out roads
1911 190180 建筑用隔热玻璃 insulating glass for building
1911 190181 窗玻璃(运载工具窗玻璃除外) window glass, other than vehicle window glass
1911 190183 建筑用窗玻璃 window glass for building
1911 190192 安全玻璃 safety glass
1911 190255 建筑用彩饰玻璃 enamelled glass, for building
1912 190129 涂层(建筑材料) coatings [building materials]
1913 190040 制煤砖用黏合料 binding agents for making briquettes
1913 190040 制砖用黏合料 binding agents for making stones
1913 190110 修路用黏合材料 binding material for road repair
1914 190170 石、混凝土或大理石制塑像 statues of stone, concrete or marble
1914 190193 石、混凝土或大理石制艺术品 works of art of stone, concrete or marble
1914 190202 石、混凝土或大理石制半身像 busts of stone, concrete or marble
1914 190224 石、混凝土或大理石制小塑像 figurines of stone, concrete or marble
1914 190224 石、混凝土或大理石制小雕像 statuettes of stone, concrete or marble
1915 190081 墓穴用非金属围栏 tomb or grave enclosures, not of metal
1915 190081 墓穴用非金属围栏 grave or tomb enclosures, not of metal
1915 190088 非金属墓板 grave slabs, not of metal
1915 190088 非金属墓板 tomb slabs, not of metal
1915 190089 非金属纪念标牌 memorial plaques, not of metal
1915 190117 非金属纪念碑 monuments, not of metal
1915 190144 墓石 gravestones
1915 190144 墓碑 tombstones
1915 190174 非金属墓 tombs, not of metal
1915 190215 非金属墓穴 burial vaults, not of metal
1915 190225 非金属墓(纪念物) tombs [monuments], not of metal
1915 190226 非金属墓碑柱 tombstone stelae, not of metal
1915 190247 非金属墓碑标牌 tombstone plaques, not of metal


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